Repost - Stop Screwing Around With The Clocks - Enough Already!
repost of 2022’s #124 - Set The Clocks Back Two Hours
I posted this two years ago and reposted it last year, and I’ll probably re-post it again next year.
With all the asinine things we’re forced to do - top of the list has to be this bi-annual idiocy of moving our clocks back and forth. There is no point to it yet here we are.
It’s a fact that this next week there will be an increase in traffic fatalities along with a statistically measurable decrease in productivity, all because of our nationally mandated (with the exception of a few states) biorhythm tinkering.
If you’re one of those people that likes having more sun in the afternoon after work, great! Ask your work to change its hours and willingly go to work an hour earlier.
You know why that’s not a popular option? Because tell people to go to work an hour early and they rebel, but tell them to move the clock forward an hour and they just do it then wonder why all week long they’re groggy and ill-tempered.
There is a reason for noon being the time when the sun is at its zenith. It divides the day in half. When the whole nation is lopsided like this it can’t be a good thing.